

Freightliner FLC | 1:24 Italeri 385915Ciężarówka, model plastikowy do sklejania.Skala 1/24Wielkość modelu po sklejeniu 32,5 cm.Trudność 4/5Zestaw nie zawiera kleju ani farb.This more than 50 year old US-truck manufacturing company has an excellent reputation for quality and beautiful design of their products. In 1981 Daimler-Benz AG, the parent company of Mercedes-Benz, one of the worlds biggest truck manufacturers, purchases the Freightliner Corporation. The company will continue all activities under the original Freightliner name. Daimler-Benz has also imported several models to Europe for demonstration purposes and truck shows. All Freightliner trucks have a common basic technical design, many are custom-built to the customers needs. The model is a Conventional FLC 12064T Tractor with a 475 HP Cummins-Diesel engine and a 13 speed Fuller-Roadranger Transmission.


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